In claims, longer is never better. A lengthier time to close inevitably results in escalated emotions, more loss complexity, decreased policyholder satisfaction and an increased chance of litigation. By automating the FNOL and other claims processes, AI can help insurers reduce claims cycle times, lowering costs and deliver superior claims journeys.
J.D. Power’s 2023 U.S. Property Claims Satisfaction Study revealed a concerning trend. The average amount of time from reporting a claim to finishing repairs is now 22 days. This is four days longer than it was in 2022, and it’s a week longer than it was in 2021. Claimants are noticing – and they’re not happy about it.
Imagine you’re a policyholder with an auto insurance claim. Four extra days is a long time when you’re waiting to get your car back so your life can return to normal. A week feels like eternity. Simple claims like yours shouldn’t take this long. You don’t feel like your insurance company is prioritizing your claim, and you’re thinking about switching.
As the insurer, you might think these things are out of your control. Repair times are longer because of issues at repair shops, like labor shortages and supply chain snags, and there’s nothing you can do about that. Besides, you have a lot of claims to handle, and they can’t all receive special attention. You don’t think there’s anything you can do – but you’re overlooking something. With new AI capabilities, you can speed up claims.
An AI program can’t make mechanics or restoration professionals work faster, but it can shorten claims cycles in other ways.
Before repairs can even start, the claim has to be received, details need to be documented, a claim number and a claims handler must be assigned and coverage must be verified. By leveraging AI, many or all of these steps can happen instantly and automatically, shaving days off the claim cycle.
Here are some possible scenarios in which AI could shorten claims times.
By getting claims off to a good start with automated FNOL, insurance companies can reduce claim cycle times, keep policyholders happy, lower administrative costs and prevent claims from escalating. However, this is just one way AI can help insurers improve efficiency and cost-effectiveness.
Our white paper, “How Generative AI Makes the Insurance Business Easier: Seven Use Cases” looks at more ways AI can make insurance processes easier. Download it now.